Food Base

1.) Make Bin Hygiene A Routine

Deep cleaning your bin is a tedious task yet an important one. A filthy bin can quickly attract flies and later maggots which are notoriously difficult to get rid of. To avoid this, regularly soaking your empty bin in bleach, disinfectant and hot water can be an effective way to clean your bins - indoors and outdoors. If you find you simply don’t have time, there are plenty of bin cleaning services available where a company or individual will come and deep clean your bin on a regular basis for a small fee. Regardless of how you choose to do it, be mindful that both the inside and outside of your bin should be cleaned regularly.

2.) Take It Out Often

With regard to indoor bins, it is vital to take these out often in order to attract flies and wasps indoors - particularly where you are depositing food waste or pet food. Often we can become lazy when it comes to the bin and not take it out unless it is either filled to the brim or overflowing. Getting into the routine of taking your bin out every time it begins to give off an unpleasant odour - this will ensure unwanted pests steer clear.

3.) Powder Your Bin

Many people find that both their indoor and outdoor bins begin to give off an unpleasant odour relatively quickly. Fortunately, there are many products created to resolve this issue. For example, most supermarkets stock scented bin powder which gives off an overpowering floral or citrus scent and absorbs any bad odours in an instant. Sprinkling this at the surface of your bin will keep it fresher for longer!

4.) Rinse All Recycling

It is a misconception that putting your heaviest waste at the top of your bin is the most effective way to fill it. The idea that it will crush and weigh down on the other waste is not always true. Instead, you should place the heaviest and bulkiest items at the bottom of your bin first, and then use the spaces between these for the smaller, more flexible waste. By filling your bin like this, you will be using up all pockets of space, enabling your bin to hold more domestic waste!

5.) Use Appropriate Bags

Using the wrong bags for your waste is where most of us go wrong. Many people deposit food into their bins without first bagging it up at all, which makes your bin a breeding ground for small flies and other pests. Instead, we and many councils both recommend using bags, particularly compostable ones to contain food waste. Waste removal companies recommend using strong bin liners, since this prevents any splitting and leakage which often leaves your bin riddled with germs and dirt.

6.) Keep The Lid Shut

Aside from the awful odour that is emitted from our bins, pests are another important reason to keep your bin lid properly shut at all times. This is also why it is important not to overfill your bin, since shutting it is an essential way to warn off any unwanted visitors that might find comfortable refuge in your bin, like rats and flies - both of which are notoriously germ-ridden and can spread diseases. Keeping the lid shut will prevent your bin from being an easy target - and stop the smell from becoming a nuisance!

7.) Keep Out Of Sunlight

Finally, it is vital to keep your bins away from the sunlight. Sunlight naturally warms up the contents of your bin and creates nasty smells. This warmth also allows maggot eggs to quickly develop, leaving you with an even nastier surprise once they hatch. Although it may be inconvenient rehoming your bin, it is nowhere near as inconvenient as warding off thousands of maggots and so the effort is worthwhile!